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Code of Conduct

Volleyball Austin (hereafter, "VBA") Code of Conduct is the organization's statement of expected behavioral standards that all players are required to read and follow. The Code of Conduct, intended to reflect the stated goals of the VBA (see Mission Statement), clarifies the expectation that VBA players have responsibility for their actions both on and off the court, while traveling and at home games, and have accountability for those actions when VBA standards are violated.


VBA provides an environment free of harassment and discrimination for members and friends of the LGBTQIA+ community to play volleyball and fulfill their athletic aspirations.


Threatening language and verbal threats, slurs against race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion, or national origin will not be tolerated under any circumstances.


Sportsmanship is defined as: fairness and respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing. All players are expected to conduct themselves with the highest level of sportsmanship. Any player who deliberately  tries to harm or intimidate another player will be subject to the consequences described below.


The Board of Directors has the ability to sanction a member or a team for violations of the VBA Procedures and Rules or any activity deemed by the Board to be detrimental to the league.  Member sanctions may include but are not limited to:

  • Verbal Warning
  • Written Warning
  • Suspension from League Play and Activities for a Specified Period of Time
  • Expulsion from the League

A player who is suspended or expelled is not eligible for a refund of any season fee nor are they allowed to sit in the players' area. 

As representatives of the VBA and "spokespersons" for their individual team, it is very important that captains and alternate captains be held to the highest level of conduct as they set the example for the team. If a captain or alternate captain is suspended, he or she will be removed from their position. The Board of Directors will then appoint a new captain or alternate captain for their specific team.

If a player who has been suspended continues to behave in a manner that violates the VBA Code of Conduct, the player will be removed from the team's roster immediately.  An expelled player may apply for probationary reinstatement to the league after one or more seasons.


Code of Conduct violations can be reported by any player to any member of the Board of Directors. All formal complaints must be submitted in writing via email to  and will be confidential and investigated in a timely manner. Other reports of Code of Conduct violations may come from the facility staff, officials and from teams outside the VBA organization.

In addition, any VBA team captain can decide that a member of his team has violated the Code of Conduct and can choose to take action upon receiving approval from the Board of Directors.

In either of these instances, no investigation by the VBA Board of Directors is necessary for the player to receive the consequences designated.

To issue warnings, suspensions or expulsions, a majority vote of the VBA Board of Directors is required.

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